Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


• 1
Get comfortable. If you want, take a hot shower or bath.

• 2
Drink lots of water everyday. Eat healthy foods that keep you energized.

• 3
Be attentive. Have your concentration/focus level and attention at the same time. Meditating can help you to get relaxed and do telekinesis. You can do simple meditations like staring at a candle or object, trying not to think but just staring blankly with a clear mind. You can also close your eyes and focus on your deep breathing through your nose.

• 4
Believe! This accounts for learning and making the object move with your mind. Doubt is likely to happen a lot even after good results. It will likely happen to you. DO NOT GIVE UP AND QUIT. Otherwise, you will never achieve your goal. It requires patience. It takes a long time to develop this skill.

• 5
Practice a lot, but do not overdo it. Try different methods: focus on one method for at least 1 week; if it does not work, go on to a different method. You need to develop willpower. You need patience when doing telekinesis. You are not going to move stuff right away, like a pen in one day -- be realistic. Have a beginner's mind, not an experts mind. Develop a habit so it is easier for you to help people in situations when you need to.

• 6
Do not drain your mind out of batteries. For example: “man I’ve practiced so long I should be able to do this but I can’t what is wrong with me?” drained minds can lead to frustration. It makes your inner-self feel stupid. You feel like you can not do anything.

• 7
Choose an exercise. Do one of the beginner's exercises listed in the notebook. Try the Psi wheel. If you can not move paper, try aluminum; it is much easier to spin. You can choose any one that works for you.

• 8
Clear your mind of all thoughts and feelings. If you have trouble, try to just stare at the object and let go of your focus, still facing the object you want to move. Try to be open to things, meaning prepare to be letting in sounds and things outside your body to react with your mind and thoughts. Be open, but don’t think about it. Let your muscles relax. Let your eyes relax, still staring at the object. Stay calm, and don't get excited if it shakes.

• 9
Become one with the object. You have to ignore that you are two different objects. Be part of the object. Take a few deep breaths and focus on the object and nothing else. Feel the object with your hands first, then place it down and try to feel the object without touching it. Think in detail about how the object looks, feels, smells, and tastes.

• 10
Let go of emotions and feeling to the outside world. You will move the object when you’re ready for it. “Just do it” explains a lot, but not a lot at the same time. Sometimes you can use certain parts of your body to use to let go. With your tongue, for example, you can sense and let go of the tension or move it to a certain part of your mouth. You can do the same with your eyes. You could soften your forehead -- feel it getting soft, and let go. Work with different hand positions. It is fun to experiment. It is best for you to let go or increase speed. This also increases speed and starts a habit, which is good, so you can move things faster. This may work for you. The best thing to do is experiment, record, and discover your findings and find techniques that are best for you.

• 11
Be happy if you succeed, and think positive. Don’t imagine you are an expert who can move things like Yoda does in Star Wars, where he uses the force. But imagine you are a person who wants to achieve and expect disappointments and eventually get over it. It's basically about having fun and training your mind to do something beyond our understanding of what we call physics and science today.

• 12
Do not get too excited when it moves. Stay in a trance-like state, and don’t forget not thinking about anything else but being one with the object and trying to move it.